Schools & Groups
We have created a special Green Tree Badge Groups Pack which is perfect for all sorts of groups :
School Classrooms
Uniformed Groups*
Faith Groups classes
After School Groups


Uniformed Groups*

Faith Groups classes

After School Groups
* we are officially partnered with The Scouts, but welcome all uniformed groups to get involved
What is the Green Tree Badge Groups Pack?
Our learning and development team has created the Green Tree Badge Groups Pack to support:
- Lesson planning
- Clarity on which Key Stage Skills are being covered
- Activities to be carried out throughout the year
- Timed in a way to fit a lesson or session suitable for young children
- Larger format imagery and instructions
- Discount code on the additional Activity Tools (e.g. Bird Box, Watering Bottles, Foraging Bags, Forester’s Case)
What is in the Green Tree Badge Groups Pack?
Group leaders can do a group registration here, and can order our special larger format Green Tree Badge Activities Passpack for groups of up to 20 children for only £22 which includes:
- Activity Sheets
- Forester’s Facts
- Stickers
- Green Tree Badges (to hand out at the end of the process)
What are the 4 activity themes?
Growing Tall:
6 activities to know more about trees, from seeds to giant trees.
6 activities to discover how trees benefit all, in many ways.
6 activities to identify how trees provide food for all.
Trees & Me:
6 activities to understand the impact of trees in our lives.